June 29, 2011

In the Beginning...

Faith and I arrived in Minnesota on Saturday, June 18th. Not sure what to expect, we said a little prayer on the airplane, held hands and hoped for the best. Amongst the overwhelming feelings of uncertainty, I was hopeful....hopeful we would love this new place we would now be calling home, hopeful we would be blessed enough to make wonderful friends, hopeful we could survive the brutal winters, hopeful that our existence would not merely be "surviving" but "thriving" in this new space, hopeful that when our friend Jennifer told us "this move is so you, you don't even know how you it is", that she secretly had a crystal ball that had given her a glimpse into the future to see how this happily played out for all of us!! I was clinging to that hopefulness with every fiber of my being.
When we got off the plane it was rainy and cold. Hmmm.....we're definitely not in Florida anymore. I made a conscious decision to hold judgment (although it was creeping in!) until I had a little more evidence to work with. All negative thoughts were forgotten, however, when Dave suggested "let's go to Mall of America". OK, I can do this. Good idea....let's ease our way into reality!!
So amongst the roller coasters, screaming thrill seekers and bells and whistles, the three of us made our way through the chaos that was all too infectious. We couldn't help but just laugh and escape the uncertainty that stood before us...at least for a few hours! The "overwhelmingness" (ok..my blog...I get to make up words if I want!) of the Mall of America seemed SO appropriate for what I think we were all experiencing on the inside!! As we walked, hand in hand in hand, there was a definite quietness about us. For me, it was the peacefullness of knowing our family was back together, as well as, just trying to take it all in and savor the unfamiliar moments and experiences that were piecing their way into our lives. I was just trying to soak it all in. It certainly helped, that while all of these thoughts were flittering in and out of my brain, Faith was just really psyched to see Dora the Explorer...larger than life. Nothing like a 2 1/2 year old to put it all back into perspective!!

So after head to head combat with a 6 year old little girl to see who could build the tallest skyscraper at LegoLand (my competitive edge comes out in the strangest places) and sharing some much needed comfort food (a la food court chinese food), we piled back in the car and headed south.

As we drove, I was awe-struck by the beauty of Minnesota. I apparently have lived in some really flat places for quite awhile, because I couldn't get over the lush, beauty of the hills (mountains, maybe??) I was mesmerized. I was quiet. Poor Dave wasn't quite sure what to do or say. I was bounced back into reality by the horrific, pothole ridden roads. We're not talking little bumps here and there. We're talking brain shaking holes that make you lose your breath and think "ugh...that's gonna leave a mark". These roads are angry....angry they have to endure tundra like temperatures, inches of ice, feets of snow, then ridiculously hot temperatures. Their only recourse for revenge.....potholes!! Let me tell you....I think they're winning!!

As we kept driving....and driving....and driving, I found myself missing our 10 minute commute to the Fort Myers airport. It was faster to go to the airport than it was to get to Target. Mental notes: things are going to be different AND there's a LOT of farmland in Minnesota. And then.....we finally made it "home". Keep in mind, these pictures were taken about a week after we arrived. No....when we arrived, it was still cold, rainy and dark.....I really wasn't in the picture taking mood upon arrival. It took all my strength and energy just to get out of the car. Let the games begin, I mumbled to myself.

I don't really remember much of that night. There was noone home when we got there....which was probably best for everyone involved. There was some shuffling of suitcases, some quick tutorials of who's who and how things run in the house, some daddy and baby reuniting and night night stories, and then I crashed. I do remember looking out the window as I fell asleep, listening to the lull of the creek and the steady soft rain landing ever so softly on the leaves of the trees........"this seems like a beautiful place to visit, but am I ever really going to be able to call this place home???"

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